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I have found that life care planning for children, adolescents, and young adults with significant disabling conditions is both challenging and rewarding.  Because the life expectancy for these individuals has improved, demand for all levels of care, from the primary care provider to community and educational services, to required specialty healthcare services, has greatly increased.  Medical home implementation in pediatric care has been shown to improve quality and efficiency of care of these individuals and should be ensured by the life care planner.  Additionally, there are many unique considerations for children with special healthcare needs, which requires a thorough review of the available medical records and other pertinent information.  The planner should always understand the child’s individual delays and how they were diagnosed.  For children with neurocognitive and neuromotor deficits, a seizure disorder may need to be included in projected care.  Nutritional guidelines for children and adolescents with disabilities require special attention due to an increase in caloric needs and may include feedings via gastrostomy tube.  These children may require orthopedic surveillance and intervention, often due to immobility.  During the years of growth and development, individual therapy needs are important, and close attention should be given for medical equipment and assistive technology, including the appropriate replacement cycles.  Specific home modifications and travel accessibility may need to be assessed. The interview and evaluation process are critical for building a relationship with the family to understand their challenges and the child’s care requirements.  


I understand that a life care plan must include the medical foundation for the medically related items from the clinical team, treatment protocols, and practice guidelines, utilizing the benefit of my education, training, and extensive experience in pediatric care.  I recognize that the life care plan is meant to establish an integrated continuum to improve outcomes and reduce complications throughout the child’s entire lifespan. The usual and customary cost of care is determined in the geographic area in which most of the care is anticipated.  I offer life care planning services for both litigated and non-litigated matters. Expert testimony and consultation in litigated matters are provided regarding the Life Care Plan and Cost Analysis as needed.  The cost analysis is meant to render an outline for the family and their designated financial planner for providing for their loved one’s future care.

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